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VKPP Research Report: Learning for the Police from Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Serious Case Reviews

The VKPP have published a new research report which for the first time collates and analyses the high-level learning for the police from an analysis of MAPPA Serious Case Reviews.

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VKPP Conference Presentations- March 2023

Workshop Presentation slides  You can view a selection of workshop presentations on this page.

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Launch of Child Sexual Exploitation Taskforce

Following the Government announcement on child abuse, Deputy Chief Constable Ian Critchley, National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Child Abuse, said: “We have made significant improvements in how we respond to child sexual exploitation…

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VKPP Stakeholder Bulletin - March 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of The Stakeholder Bulletin from the VKPP – a  bulletin from the Vulnerability and Knowledge and Practice Programme designed to keep stakeholders and partners up…

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Virtual Recruitment Event - Tuesday 21 February 10:00am

We will be hosting a virtual recruitment event on Tuesday 21 February from 10:00am-11:00am via Microsoft Teams to provide an opportunity to learn more about the VKPP and to ask any questions.…

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VKPP Stakeholder Bulletin - January 2023 edition

  Welcome to the latest edition of The Stakeholder Bulletin from the VKPP – a  bulletin from the Vulnerability and Knowledge and Practice Programme designed to keep stakeholders and partners updated…