VKPP Latest News - Page 6
VKPP, Hydrant Programme and TOEX Programme are working together to look at how we can improve our communications with our key stakeholders and partners in the vulnerability space.
The VKPP Peer Review Team is holding two remote information events for prospective candidates to learn more about opportunities to join our Cadre team.
Following the VKPP’s recent publication of research to identify police learning from Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) serious case reviews (SCRs), Learning for the Police from MAPPA Serious Case Reviews…
We're pleased to share with you the Hydrant Programme's Annual Report for 2022.
Protecting girls and young women at risk of violence and exploitation in and around criminal gangs was the focus of a Parliamentary Roundtable meeting, which VKPP Director Gareth Edwards was…
Welcome to the latest edition of The Stakeholder Bulletin from the VKPP – a bulletin from the Vulnerability and Knowledge and Practice Programme designed to keep stakeholders and partners up…