VKPP Latest News - Page 8
We will be hosting a virtual opening evening on Monday 6 February at 7:00pm via Microsoft Teams to provide an opportunity to learn more about the VKPP and to ask any questions.…
The third virtual National Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) Conference will take place on Wednesday 15 March 2023 between 0930-1630.
Welcome to the latest edition of The Stakeholder Bulletin from the VKPP – a bulletin from the Vulnerability and Knowledge and Practice Programme designed to keep stakeholders and partners updated…
The second annual report from the VKPP’s Domestic Homicide Project is out now with ground-breaking new work on victim suicide after domestic abuse.
Welcome to the latest edition of The Stakeholder Bulletin from the VKPP – a bulletin from the Vulnerability and Knowledge and Practice Programme designed to keep stakeholders and partners updated…
The VKPP Research and Review team have today published a new practice briefing on Voice of the Child.