Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Analysis and Research
VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment underpinning and informing the 2024 VAWG Statement.
The VAWG Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA), now in its second iteration, has now been published
VAWG Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment
The VAWG national statement, published in July 2024, highlighted the national scale and severity of VAWG to drive responses beyond policing. This strategic threat and risk assessment served as the data foundation for that statement and provides detail re threats within and across VAWG to inform strategic planning and support efforts to reduce VAWG.
Policing understands that now is the time to radically improve its response to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), and to build trust and confidence. The VKPP recognises the vital role that data and analysis plays in understanding policing’s response to vulnerability, alongside capturing learning, commissioning and delivering research to develop evidence bases that inform front line practice.
The VKPP is supporting and informing the national policing response to VAWG, directed by National Police Chiefs’ Council lead, DCC Maggie Blythe. A national VAWG delivery framework has been developed to deliver collaborative, positive change in policing.
To drive the performance and insight work needed, the VKPP have received funding to support a VAWG Analysis and Research Team. The team’s analysis of the scale, nature and review of policing performance related to VAWG will be crucial in improving our collective understanding of what works, both strategically and operationally, across policing to help make all women and girls safer.
VAWG Outcomes and performance framework - NPCC and College of Policing April 2022
NPCC - VAWG outcomes and performance framework
VAWG Analytical Team
The VAWG Analytical Team consists of a group of experienced intelligence and performance analysts led by a Head of Analysis. The team work closely with other VKPP analysts as well as the VAWG Research Team.
The Analytical team has two key priorities
- To deliver the first VAWG performance report, which was published in April 2023. In April 2022, the NPCC and College of Policing published the first national VAWG performance framework which outlined a commitment to report on policing’s performance on VAWG every six months. The performance framework outlines a series of key performance indicators which the analytical team will answer using a range of data from across policing and government.
VAWG Outcomes and performance framework
- To develop the first national VAWG Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA), designed to further our understanding of the scale, threat and policing response to VAWG. The ambition is to have a partner informed product which will help to ensure that policing’s response is effectively focused. This public-facing assessment will inform the government, as well as other sectors and organisations that have a role to play in tackling VAWG.
Both the performance report and the STRA will be used to shape policing’s VAWG strategy for 2023/2024. The analytical team also provide bespoke support to the NPCC lead according to national need and local advice and guidance for analytical units within police forces across England and Wales.