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National Vulnerability Action Plan (NVAP)

Update  - NVAP

The NVAP provides a framework; an overarching action plan designed to be used by policing to support their improvement and response plans across vulnerability. The aim is to bring forces’ work in the vulnerability space together under one holistic umbrella. The plan benefits forces by reducing duplication and highlighting gaps, which are often missed across overlapping plans. The VKPP team also continue key work with HMICFRS around the PEEL assessment framework to bring greater alignment between the NVAP and inspectorate activity.  

Underpinned by a strong evidence base, the NVAP continues to be developed by the VKPP using key engagement and feedback with forces, NPCC leads and partners to inform our thinking. The NVAP Impact team are working to develop a framework of ‘what good looks like’ and suggested impact measures for each action.

In the meantime, a set of key Interim Measures have now been added to the NVAP to support forces in tracking, monitoring and measuring the impact of their actions across vulnerability. 

NVAP with Interim Measures 2023

Please use this refreshed version from 1 January 2023.

These additions to the NVAP are designed to be both helpful and effective in framing forces’ strategic and tactical work.

The Impact team continue to work on further developments for the NVAP by creating evidence- based logic models for each action and plans to create a visually more accessible version are underway. To support the implementation of the refreshed NVAP we are also planning bespoke VKPP regional learning events, national workshops/webinars and we will keep you updated with milestones on delivery.

If you have any questions regarding the NVAP and how it can be used to support your force’s work do get in touch by email

National Vulnerability Action Plan

The National Vulnerability Action Plan (NVAP), developed by the VKPP, National Police Chiefs’ Council and College of Policing, with support of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) is a framework that supports forces by identifying cross-cutting themes of vulnerability and draws on an extensive range of evidence to provide a concise, clear plan for forces to use in shaping and delivering their approaches.

The overall aim of the NVAP is to improve policing’s response to vulnerability, improve criminal justice outcomes, increase victim satisfaction and create reductions in overall threat, risk and harm The plan aims to help reduce duplication and maximise opportunities for learning across vulnerability strands; identify and prioritise cross-cutting themes; synthesise local and national thematic action plans already in place; provide an evidence-based anchor for priority work (to inform and contribute towards inspection and/or serious case reviews) and to develop an evidenced plan to direct and leverage cross partnership activity.

First launched in 2018, the NVAP subsequently underwent a substantive review in 2020 led by former Deputy Chief Constable Karen Manners QPM and the VKPP. The review incorporated the College of Policing’s identification of ‘perennial issues’ affecting police and partners as well as VKPP insight and learning from serious case reviews of death and serious harm involving children and adults. The NVAP has also undergone an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) to ensure it meets the needs of groups who face structural inequality and specific types of vulnerability and harm.

The NVAP supports police forces to deliver seven identified key themes that have specific actions:

  • Early intervention and prevention
  • Protecting, supporting, safeguarding and managing risk
  • Information, intelligence, data collection and management information
  • Effective investigation and outcomes
  • Leadership
  • Learning and development
  • Communication

The NVAP is relevant throughout policing, well beyond public protection roles. It is designed with a whole systems response in mind, drawing in a wide range of staff and officers including learning and development teams, call takers, response units, human resources etc. The plan also has wider applicability with partners.

VKPP continue to support police with their implementation and regularly engage with NPCC leads, forces and partners. Promising practice is identified and co-ordinated nationally. VKPP have regular contact with force public protection leads, attend regional heads of public protection meetings, arrange bespoke VKPP regional learning events, provide inputs to some force executive teams and review local implementation plans.

Here are some highlights of VKPP’s continuing work related to NVAP:

  • Aligning national and local plans: Charting local Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) activity and actions against the NVAP to drive local multi-agency VRU activity. Ongoing work with NPCC Violence and Public Protection working groups, anchoring national thematic plans against the NVAP
  • Inspectorate alignment: Working with HMICFRS to seek greater alignment between the NVAP and inspectorate activity and to raise awareness of the NVAP. Opportunities are present around PEEL as well a plan to align recommendations from thematic inspections
  • Public Protection and Safeguarding Leadership Programme: Building alignment with NVAP and college of policing leadership training and resources.
  • Developing a peer review offer
  • National NVAP Benchmarking and analysis 
  • Impact measures: Work is underway to develop evidence-based measures to track impact of NVAP delivery against individual actions.
  • Bespoke project work: Specialist workstreams are being mobilised within the VKPP on analytical capability as well as primary research being commissioned relating to actions on the voice of the victim and information sharing.

National Vulnerability Action Plan with Interim Measures 2023