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2022 Virtual National VKPP conference 1st April 2022

The second virtual National Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) Conference will take place on Friday 1st April 2022.

The conference includes specific focus on issues including VAWG, learning from serious harm case reviews, and policing’s understanding of the voice of the victim. The NPCC lead for violence and public protection, AC Louisa Rolfe will open the event.

Professionals involved in developing, shaping and leading safeguarding and public protection are encouraged to attend.

The remote conference is free to attend and will provide policing colleagues and partners an opportunity to come together to explore the latest knowledge, research and innovation across the vulnerability space. We have an exciting range of inputs from key system leaders inside and outside of policing and the VKPP team. 

For more details and to register for the conference, please use the following link: