Upcoming events

Tuesday 11 February 2025
The in-person event will focus on approaches to vulnerability analysis and research with an exciting range of inputs from both internal and external speakers.
Past events

Tuesday 29 October 11:00-12:00
Micro CPD session for intelligence analysts and researchers in policing welcomes Dr Fazeelat Duran from Birmingham University to understand the impact of our role on mental health and wellbeing

Led by the VKPP - Vulnerability Knowledge & Practice Programme, the online session will provide an introduction to Vulnerability in Analysis for police analysts and researchers
Tuesday 24th September 11:00-12:30

We invite prospective members to join our esteemed Peer Review Cadre.

The National Vulnerability and Exploitation Conference will take place on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th March 2024, hosted by VKPP, Hydrant Programme and TOEX.

Find out more about upcoming conferences.